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Let me introduce you to my buddy
D.J. Dynamite.

This is my book that I created. It is called the Adventures of D J Dynamite and friends
I created him a few years back and have had publiched several stories about him.
I have 4 more volumes of D J Dynamite stories. It is for ages 4 to 99 years old.
It is a reading book done in poetry form. It has wonderful illustrations in the book.
It is also a coloring book.

Here he is pictured with the blue ribbon that we got
at the county fair for best of Children's Book
I would like to share a couple of DJ's Adventures with you.


Written by Alice Donatelli

It was a cold October night, the wind was blowing wild, Robby rabbit
took his family, to a place so meek and mild. They came upon a frightful
witch, and as they were sitting on a log. Shecast a spell upon them,and
turned them into frogs. Along came D J Dynamite, singing a happy
song, he came upon the frogs and said,"hey there frogs what's wrong"?
"my name is Robby Rabbit. Winny Witch has cast a spell I know we
look like frogs and it's hard for you to tell you have to get her potion
and turn us back some how before she gets mean and cranky and
turns us into cows".D J ran to Winny's house, and knocked upon the door,
"Let me in" said D J ," don't you cast a spell no more". Winny started
laughing, "Please come in my little boy if you don't be careful I
will turn you into a toy." D J grabbed the potion, but it fell and hit the
floor, he knew he broke the bottle, and there wasn't anymore. Winny
started screaming, when she saw what he had done, D J made her
angry, and he knew he'd better run. He made his way back to the
frogs, and told them of his tale, he only wanted to help his friends,
but he knew that he had failed. D J started crying, it was more then
he could bare, he had to think of something, to let them know that he
still cared. he thought for just a moment, it was as plain as the nose
on his face, LOVE could be the answer, so he ran back to their place. He
grabbed the frogs and kissed them, and said "I love you all", the
frogs changed back to rabbits, they were big instead of small. They
hugged and thanked poor D J, he has saved them from the witch They
felt like a million dollars, because love had made them rich. D J felt really
happy, he knew he had saved the day. He said good-bye to the
rabbits, and headed on his way. Winny the Witch left
the forest, she was madder then an old wet hen, and all
the rabbits were happy, they would never see her again.



Written by Alice Donatelli

D J woke up one morning,
it was a lovely day,
'hey I know" said D J,
"I think I will go out to play."
he hurried to the door,
and opened it up real wide,
he saw a bunch of books,
laying down outside.
books were all around him,
and he almost tripped and fell,
he heard a munching sound,
what was going on pray tell.
D J picked up a book,
it felt sticky just like paste,
he heard a little voice cry out,
"hi! would you like a taste"?
D J opened up the book,
and took a peek inside,
there sat a little book worm,
D J opened his eyes up wide.
"hi my name is Willie"
D J almost dropped the book,
he thought that he was dreaming,
he had to take a second look.
"where did you come from" asked D J
"why are you sitting in here"?
"I eat books" said the book worm,
" but there's no need for you to fear"
"what about the children"
asked D J with a frown,
"if you eat all the books"
"there won't be anymore to go around"
willie thought for a moment,
"I know! I have a hunch"
"I will give up breakfast and dinner"
"I will just eat a book for lunch"
D J took the bookworm,
and put it in his hand,
he had to tell Willie something,
to make him understand.
"the children need these books" said DJ
"these books are valuable tools"
"because books teach the children"
"how to read in school".
Willie was unhappy,
he hung his head down low,
"don't be sad" said D J
"it's okay you didn't know"
"I am sorry" said the bookworm,
"I have learned my lesson today"
D J picked the books up,
and headed on his way.
so if you see a book someday,
laying on the ground,
look between the pages,
because Willie might be around.

My last DJ Dynamite Book
All of my DJ volumes and books are for sale and would
make a wonderful gift for children and adults of all ages.
To obtain your copy just eamil me.

My poems are protected by © copyright © laws and can't not be
used with out my permission.