Slowly and gradually, watching movies has become a uniquely important aspect of my life.  From what was once a time-killer has evolved into an essentially enjoyable past-time.  It is indeed a remarkably soothing and hypnotic experience when one totally dissolves one’s entire attention into the plot and setting of an intensely interesting film.  Moreover, when you read about the criticisms and the side stories about the production and history of the movie, it is an equally fascinating and worthwhile experience in adding multiple layers of depth to an already interesting plot-line.  Most captivating of all is the fact that an exceptionally well-made movie can profoundly change the way you perceive the world.  It wrestles with your past sensitivities and challenges you to you think more deeply and thoroughly about your life and your world.  It is interesting that, if read well, a representation of the reality of our world can in fact alter our world into another representation of reality. 


CHUNGKING EXPRESS (重慶森林)                                                             

COMRADES, ALMOST A LOVE STORY (甜蜜蜜)                                             

GOLDEN CHICKEN (金雞)                                                              

A CHINESE GHOST STORY (倩女幽魂)                                     

YOUNG AND DANGEROUS (古惑仔)                                          

KING OF COMEDY (喜劇之王)                                                     

A BETTER TOMORROW (英雄本色)                                          

THREE (三更: 回鄉)                                                                       

JIANGHU (江湖)                                                                             

LEE ROCK (雷洛傳)                                                                       

MY SASSY GIRL  (我的野蠻女友)                                                

INFERNAL AFFAIRS  (無間道)                                                    

PRINCESS D  (想飛)                                                                            


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