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Dedication To Dad

Dear Father,
    What exactly does one say at a moment such as this?
    All I know is what I feel in my heart.
    Only capable of speculating what's in the depths of another's heart.
    And in my father's heart I saw a good man, whose lines upon his face
        showed the many struggles he endured on his tiresome journey through life.
    But his childlike nature allowed him to take it through stride.
    Never forgetting how to laugh and find enjoyment along his way.
    His good nature and openness brought to him many friends.
    Good friends to last him a life time.
    Fabulous family to last longer than a life time.
    After everything he had been through, he had three great kids to show for it.
    For this he would always be proud, giving us a reason to strive for better
        in our lives to see our happiness mirror on his face.
    My father was not a rich man not monetarily anyway.
    But his jewels and gemstones that he handed down to us were still priceless
        in value.
    He handed down his back bone, his hands, and to some of us his eyes.
    But most of all he handed down himself, the blood of his blood and to this
        I will always adhere.
    Because I know he lives in me and in my heart.
    No matter what his day here on earth were like he's found eternal happiness.
    As his spirit lives and breeds in our souls he's spread himself among each
        and everyone of us.
    He's watching and guiding, lending down his hand for support.
    I personally will spend my days continuing to make him proud.
    And as each generation grows and links another to the fold,
    It will be just another extension of what he gave to this world to behold.
    That is my Father.

© 2005, Allen Scott Culp I