A Cyan Doom I. Where the washing of the sea Covers the land with light, There like leaves from a tree Deflowered at autumn's height, The sands go slipping, flowing free; The sands from the beach take flight. Silver becomes lost in blue-green; Land becomes sea sight unseen. And is it not sad, that the sea's bath Forever will bathe the sand, And go on leading it down the path Of temptation and command Until there is the inevitable aftermath: An end to both shore and land? Oh, the sand gives a sigh of gloom Confronted with its cyan doom. II. Where the blossoming flowers Cover up the ruined house, There in the leafy bowers Is the home of rat and mouse; There the end of summer's hours The song of crickets can arouse. Stones become lost in petals; Mortar is turned to flowery metals. And is it not sad, that the wild Will take and reclaim the work Of human hands, where a child Played, and was chided not to shirk? Is it not sad, that where they smiled Now mad blue-green flowers lurk? Oh, the house bows before each bloom, Confronted with its cyan doom. III. Where glowing sky breaks through The clouds of straining white, And turns all to brilliant blue Blinded by the sunlight, Then the hearts of clouds true Falter and fade as sun at night. The sky settles, deeply serene, To rule a world of blue-green. And is it not sad, that the sky Insists on such a heavy hand, That the clouds, too born on high, Are not exempt from its demand? Is it fair that they ask not why, But must be shattered by command? Each cloud can but lose its loom, Confronted with its cyan doom. IV. Where the fire's glowing powers Transmute the log to ash, And flickering blue flame-flowers Creep up in a cloudy flash, The wood before it cowers As a slave before the lash. The flame-flowers open petals As the log slowly shifts and settles. And is it not sad, that trees smiled At by people all their lives, That were but quiet and mild, Should fall to a fire's knives? The wood surrenders; fire, riled, Snaps up that for which it strives. The glow of embers fills the room, Confronted with their cyan doom.