Black Unicorn On a hill in the depths of night, Bathed in the radiance of starlight, Under the moon as white as bone, Stands a sentinel, alert and alone. The essence of the dark, he is. Midnight is lighter than this. Lighter than stars his translucent horn, For the watcher is a black unicorn. Moonlight and pearls embodied, the horn Flashes on the forehead of that noble unicorn. His carriage is that of a king. Now hear his cloven hooves ring As he canters from the hill To the lower world of dales and rills. Fleet as a shadow, and darker than one, His eyes flashing like the sun He charges through the woods, and his voice Is what people mean when they say rejoice. For what is a unicorn but the child of joy, And the longing of every girl and boy? The black unicorn comes to a glade. There is a pool made Bleak and evil by The poison of a serpent sly. In goes the horn; water splashes And the magic gently plashes Through the pool, making it clean and clear. It is once more safe to drink here. The unicorn folds his hooves And settles down with joyous moves, Laying on the grass his starlit horn. Good night, O unicorn.