Call Me O call me, O call me, to the woods again. Long have I wandered the world of men Thinking and dreaming their small paltry dreams. O call me, O call me, to the place that gleams. O call me, O call me, to where unicorns dance In a circle of fire, their hides by chance Catching and shooting away glinting sparks. O call me, O call me, with the songs of larks. O call me, O call me, with the songs of mermaids And their hands that on seashells have strayed As their voices stray all about sailors' ears. O call me, O call me, above the long years. O call me, O call me, above all the stars To a place that even beyond them is far Where all the dreams I have missed are singing. O call me, O call me, with the sound of bells ringing. O call me, O call me, with all the sounds I love, The songs of the darkness below and above, Soft comforting darkness, and the explosion of night. O call me, O call me, to that higher light. O call me, O call me, to the caves of dragons Who are brooding on treasures of shining flagons With wings spread like emerald sails a-dazzle. O call me, O call me; and, my voice a-rattle, I will call back. O call me, call me again! Too long have I wandered the world of men Searching for something that only in Faerie Has ever rested: the scent and sound of beauty.