Call To The Muse Fairest one of all the Nine, Will you attend me now? Who is fairest because mine, Will you show me how To resist the mediocrity I can at times feel threaten, And pull and tug at me? The sweet woods of Britain And Brittany to me show That I may learn Merlin's spell, And sing the hight notes and the low That echo where standing stones dwell. Fairest one of all that are, Can you heed my call? Muse who is a shining star, Like a star may fall, And alight upon my brow, A rare and gleaming crown That will give light to here and now And all my doubts will drown In wave after wave of silver light, Shining like the sword Of Excaliburn that lit midnight In the hands of Arthur Lord. Fairest one of all that dwell In the starry sky above, Will you come and lead me well To where my light with love Will burn and sparkle in forests deep, And light the raving seas That upon the shores of England leap Higher than Cornwall's trees? Fairest one of all that are, To Britain you have led me. Come upon my brow like a shining star, My light which has fed me!