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Orlathian Chronicle of the Monarchs

Queen Aneron marries Sorrasonde, three-quarters-fey (gold-dancer) prince of Doralissa.

She bears two sons, Prince Feldorres and Prince Elerran, both gifted with Scarlet magic. She dies (33 OR), not having chosen either to succeed her, and the Brotherstrife erupts. Feldorres briefly usurps the throne for two years, but is destroyed by his brother. Elerran marries Princess Eldalona of Ilantra (half-ilzán) and sires three children, Princess Tyera of the Gust; Prince Kyern of the Crop; and the Princess remembered now only as Nightstone. She fell to the Dark, and her gift is not inscribed.

King Elerran dies in 52 OR, though his wife lingers until 61 OR. His children find their Destined mates, but not among princes and princesses. Princess Tyera weds Wedren, an Orlathian commoner, and bears a single child, Princess Niera, gifted with Azure magic. King Kyern weds a Doralissan feral child called Elflaughter in Orlathian. She is half-elven, and she gives him only one child, Prince Emerant, gifted with Crop magic, before vanishing. It is unknown and unrecorded if Princess Nightstone has children.

King Kyern dies in 62 OR. King Emerant weds Princess Eletra of Doralissa, who, like him, is quarter-elven. (Her brother is the King of Doralissa who will wed a mizan in elven disguise and sire the half-wild Queen Memoryrose). She bears him two children, Prince Seldon and Princess Aubera, both Scarlet mages. In the minor line: Princess Niera proves more fruitful than her mother, wedding a minor cousin of the Doralissan Princess named Roselight and bearing four daughters. Princess Krylia is gifted with Scarlet magic, and becomes a Dragonfighter, dying in the war with the Dark. Princess Danna is an Azure mage, twin to Princess Teela; both fall to the Dark. Only Princess Rylia, also a Scarlet mage, lives and prospers.

King Emerant dies in 76 OR. King Seldon has wed Quilla, a commoner; it proves an unhappy marriage, and she dies in childbirth with their son. Princess Twydon, the one child she bears him, is gifted with both Gust and Dust magic, but she hides the latter. Princess Aubera marries Crown Prince Orion of Ilantra and bears him twins, Prince Fior and Prince Gian, who are Scarlet mages and the Heirs of Ilantra. In the minor line: Princess Rylia is given in marriage to Prince Dermiand of Arvenna; they rarely see each other. Her daughter is Princess Artura, an Azure mage.

King Seldon dies in 106 OR, murdered by the priestess Rilleta. Queen Twydon does not wed before she dies ten years later, in 116 OR, murdered by the Traitor Prince of Rivendon. Princess Artura is elevated to the throne, since her mother and aunt are dead and the twins, though more in the direct line, have been declared Ilantra's Heirs and not Orlath's. She has already married Telekosilla, a purebred morning-fey, and borne him three children: Princess Silla, a Gust mage; Prince Yennal, also a Gust mage; and Princess Resant, a Metal mage who is considered insane and not talked about.

Queen Artura dies in 131 OR. Princess Silla becomes Queen, having borne a son to an elf whose name is not recorded. This child is Prince Belanth, an Azure mage, and he does much to make bastard children accepted in Orlath. Prince Yennal suffers a brief fit of longing for the throne, then joins himself in marriage to Princess Leeana of Rivendon. They have five children: the twin Princes Feran and Valdor; Princess Haneth; Prince Anerat; and Princess Palee. All are Gust mages. Princess Resant is said to have died, but in reality she has escaped from her tower. No one ever finds out where she has gone.

Queen Silla dies in 145 OR. King Belanth takes the throne, reigns for one year, and hands it on to his cousin Princess Haneth before vanishing into the Dark. It is unknown if he ever has children. Queen Haneth weds Prince Sevias of Ilantra, and bears one child, the Prince Deman, a Crop mage. In the minor line: Prince Feran and Prince Valdor marry a pair of half-elven twin sisters fled sourth from Dalzna, Eletha and Reretha. Prince Feran sires a son, Prince Niemban, gifted with Azure magic. Prince Valdor sires twin daughters, the Princesses Ambella and Lenera, both of them Gust mages. Prince Anerat falls to the Dark, and the names of any wife and children are stricken from the record. Princess Palee proves barren.

Queen Haneth dies in 172 OR. King Deman takes the throne, having fought a war with the Dark and found his bride in a redeemed priestess of Shara, Iliona. They have one daughter, Princess Wenne, a Crop mage, and two sons, Prince Ardian and Prince Opollonth, also Crop mages. In the minor line: Prince Niemban expresses some ambitions for the throne, and is sent to the north to wed the younger Princess of Rivendon, Azalia. Together they have two children, Princess Fiella and Princess Gelena, both Azure mages, who become heirs of Rivendon. Princess Ambella falls to the Dark, and takes her sister, Princess Lenera, with her in a desperate battle to the death. Princess Lenera leaves behind a half-elven daughter, Princess Tolania, a Gust mage.

King Deman dies in 188 OR, at the hand of an assassin. In the confusion that follows, Prince Ardian is crowned King and weds his second cousin Princess Tolania, to once again join the branches of the family together. They have triplet children—Princess Lena, Princess Emelmira, and Prince Julara—all gifted with Gust magic and powerful Destinies. They also have a sickly son, Prince Dorron, born with weak Azure magic, but he is groomed as a candidate for the throne in expectation of the triplets dying in the next war against the Dark. In the minor line: Princess Wenne becomes a priestess of Elle and does not wed. Prince Opollonth confesses that he believes there might still be important knowledge to be had in the northern Kingdoms conquered by the Dark, and goes on an expedition to find them. He does not return.

King Ardian has a long and fruitful reign, and dies in 223 OR. Prince Dorron and Prince Julara, the only survivors among his children, and both quite old, battle for the throne, but kill each other. The line falters, but then a mysterious woman from the north appears, half-Rivendonian and claiming to be Prince Opollonth’s granddaughter. She is gifted with powerful Crop magic and the silver eyes of Rivendonian royalty, so the people accept her. She becomes Queen Hassiena and weds Prince Eldrian of the Ilantran royal line. Together, they have three children: Prince Kyreth, gifted with Azure magic; Princess Ria, gifted with Scarlet magic; and Princess Delia, said to be gifted with both Azure and Lightning magic. The last is claimed as a nasty rumor and hushed up.

Queen Hassiena dies in 255 OR. King Kyreth reluctantly takes the throne; he thinks that his sister Princess Delia would be the better ruler, but she vanished for ten years and returned claiming the defunct Star Circle had instructed her, which makes many think her mad. He has wed Princess Solemnlaughter of Doralissa, and had four children by her: Princess Evera, a Crop mage; Princess Thedara, a Scarlet mage; Prince Elfseeker, a Scarlet mage; and Princess Janritha, a Crop mage. In the minor line: Princess Ria weds a commoner and elopes with him, as per her Destiny; no one is ever quite sure what becomes of her. Princess Delia weds Gagon of Rivendon and bears him a daughter, Princess Lella, who only lives until her third birthday. She is said to have been torn apart by lightning bolts consuming her from the inside, but again this is hushed up as a malignant rumor.

King Kyreth dies in 276 OR. His daughter Princess Janritha is crowned Queen, but takes no husband for some time, which causes concern among the population of Orlath. She at last weds Saeran, a half-wild man variously said to come from the Green Isles or the Orlathian peasantry, and bears twin daughters, the Princesses Annilda and Olassia, both strongly gifted with Azure magic. Olassia prefers the name Jienna from her early youth. In the minor line: Princess Evera marries into the royal line of Arvenna, to Prince Verleon, and bears him a son, Prince Seldon. Princess Thedara remains unwed, and becomes an adventurer, a wandering warrior woman using her sword to avenge various wrongs. Prince Elfseeker goes to Doralissa, becomes elf-stricken, and dies young.

Queen Janritha dies suddenly in the next war against the Dark, 300 OR, and leaves her daughters to battle alone. Princess Annilda becomes Queen, Princess Olassia having fallen to the Dark. She wins the war against the Dark and weds Lord Rurran, a half-Doralissan. To him she bears twins, Prince Hanir and Princess Emeldir, both powerful Scarlet mages; Pheron, born without a Destiny and only the ability to call a ball of clay, and therefore not usually called Prince; and Prince Leroth, powerfully gifted with Gust magic. Shortly after Prince Leroth’s birth, Rurran is tortured and convinced to join the Dark by Princess Olassia. Queen Annilda faces her in battle again, and this time thinks she has killed her sister, though it is not so.