Circe's Isle It is alone and quiet now- That island where Circe reigned. Where magic made the sailors bow And their bodies become unchained, There is only a lonely isle Rushed round by waters that murmur the while, Gleaming waters unstained. It is like a blue-green jewel- That island where Circe's spell Held in thrall each tree and pool And made the birdsong well From tree and flower Into sunlit paens of her power That rang like a temple bell. It is a soft and yearning place- That island where Circe lived, Where the very waves have grace, And the sunrise is a gift For what it reveals, The hidden nooks of the dreaming eels, From which the light may lift. It is the color of ultramarine- That island where Circe ruled. As if to the colors of blue and green The ruins of her home cooled After the long magic That produced results so strange and tragic, Under her hand jeweled. It is a little den of dreams- That island which Circe held. And there the sunlight gleams With that light that dreams may meld With the reality cold, So that in some way Circe yet has her hold, And all the power of eld Goes blowing round the aqua isle- That island where Circe smiled, And where she smiles yet a while And dances like a child, To weave transformation Of what is into what the imagination Sees, the oldest dream and wild.