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The Durillos

The Durillos.

Fierce warriors, whose name means "swift fighters." Defenders of their land and people. Good followers and leaders in their own right. Souls dark and bright.

The Durillo line, like the Deerfriend line, came into being at the command of the goddess Nystze, who saw the Deerfriends fallen into slavery at the time of the Silver Unicorn Empire and did not want to see the last of the noble land Elwen lines lost forever. She came to Aklflam Swiftspring, a bitter survivor of Rowan, and asked him to change his name to one that would better reflect the nature of he and his descendants. It is suspected that she chose the dolphin, symbol of the family, but others argue that this symbol arose in Jesartlu's time, during the War of the Falling. In truth, this is open to speculation, as no one really knows what the dolphin means.

Aklflam had a strange gift that the will-tearing silverini could not defeat: a gift that let him look into their eyes and still retain his own spirit. In time, he was defeated and did agree to slavery, but only so that his beloved's spirit would be left intact. By marrying the zorkro Daomilla Darkleader, he started a long Durillo tradition of intermarriage with other races.

After Aklflam, the line existed in semi-slavery in the Silver Unicorn Empire, always able to resist the unicorns but always held from escaping. Until the time of the Lord Maruss, who freed the Lord Jesartlu from his confinement and led him into the fight against the unicorns, it seemed as if they might slumber forever, their greatness forgotten.

The Lord Jesartlu was perhaps the fiercest fighter in Maruss's Annihilators, and very self-sacrificing. He used both to great advantage to save both his lord and his lady, a wind Elwen woman named Filaria, from the wrath of the unicorns. After the War of the Falling, he lived in peace in Rowan, with his wife, his son, and his daughter.

As if that peace was a signal of the obscurity that was to fall for several generations to come, no one of the Lord Jesartlu's descendants achieved true legend status until the Lady Brincillay. The Lady Brincillay, the most skilled with a sword in all Rowan, joined in what is sometimes called the Morning Rebellion, when four young lords and ladies of the great lines rose against their unworthy liege lords and ladies to take the titles from them. The Lady Brincillay distinguished herself in the Kaor'a'Lirara war and many wars following, and spent most of her life in peace as the herald of the Lady Eleriad.

Of most note since the Lady Brincillay and still in modern times was the Lady Mocrada, who dared to love a shadowed Elwen, Gershoon Shadowlord, and marry him though her family exiled themselves from Rowan in shame. The Durillo family was stripped of its lands and titles, but nothing could take its nobility. The Lady Mocrada, a fierce fighter just as her forefathers and foremothers were, defended herself against both swords and unfounded accusations to live with the man she loved.

Mocrada's grandson, Echelli Durillo, is three-quarters shadowed Elwen and one quarter land Elwen. Though some would argue that this makes him unfit to bear the title of Lord among the land Elwens, none can question that he exemplifies all the traits of the Durillo line. He is fierce, strong, and proud, and no fighter has ever been found to match him. Until his children are born, there the history of the line ends for a time.

Below are Durillo links. If thou wouldst read more, thou mayest.

Durillo Links

The Lady Brincillay