Evening in the Velvet-Lands Ah, the time has come again, When the bells summon all good men To pray to Allah at the mosque, And ask forgiveness for the lost. Even slides gently over wells Where women come at dawn in gowns, While rings the shining sound of bells And golden light the darkness drowns. Now the music more softly tells The truths that men have written down: Ya, Allah, ilaha Allah, Il Mohammed rasul Allah. Evening to velvet-lands again Has come, and it calls all good men. Evening slides on desert sands Beneath the cloudless stare of stars. This is twilight in velvet-lands, Where from air crystal prison bars Of light descend, from Allah's hands. The ringing bells are heard afar: Sweet the music, sweeter the tune, Beneath the light of sun and moon, But especially moon again: Evening summons all good men. Evening glides on rarest trees, On waters soft with sapphire glow, The jeweled crown of oases. This land has never dreamed of snow, And need never, for hues like these Can be found in no flake we know. The bells are pealing out their dreams, And if those are of light, not streams, What does it matter? The time when Dreams come true has come: stars again. Even glides on the holy flame The sun sends up to frame the mosque. Even the light speaks Allah's name. Under that light, no man is lost. Rare and serene the pearl-pale claim, And for sunlight there is no cost. Ever in expanding ripples, The call rises through star-stipples. Cerulean is the time when Dusk comes to velvet-lands again. Even rides on wandering rays Of light that a rounded portal Hosts for a short while, ere it strays. Night as Allah is immortal, And lingers in the winding ways Of the houses with soft chortle. Oh, rise, rise, bells! Men, heed the prayer That calls to you through duskened air! Shimmering tones that promise when Morning returns, now summon men. Evening rides to lighted camps And awaits with fervent desire The time for kindling of the lamps, To learn the secret of the fire. But even desire slowly damps; Of some things even dark can tire. But ever lingering the prayer Telling Him to whom all is fair The time has once more come again, And the bells must call all good men. Even strides upon the high dunes, And makes the sky a golden bowl To cap a thousand scattered moons That the sand holds and swallows whole. From a distance, the windy tunes Come blowing from the desert's soul. But still there is a lyrical Song from the mosques, a miracle That whispers night beloved of men Has come to velvet-lands again. Evening strides on camels' fur, And creates a glimmering gold That in warmest songs of summer Alone might have some chance to hold. But the hue here cannot linger, Only in songs unsung, untold. Now the sky with stars is brilliant, Light from rapturous gardens lent. All is a story, all again The time when sunset comes to men. Evening bides on the pale walls Risen in gleaming fairy shapes That make up the fantastic halls Of glowing light that wear light's capes. Let the stranger when even falls Be inside, and then his mind gapes. Beautiful is the lighted tone Rising from a place that has shone With more light than ever! Oh, men! Do you hear? Night has come again! Even bides in gentle places And frightens not with its roaming The praying, upon whose faces It puts the prettiest gloaming. It rests on the mosque and braces For night, the dome with light doming. Oh, this night, all the world is fair! It cannot but be: dusky air Whispers that even to all men And velvet-lands, has come again.