Far-Fetched I have brought you pomegranates Sweet and red as fall. Will you tell me what it is you want? Is your heart now full? No, for there is something still Sweeter and redder than this. You have yet to learn what it could be. That you would is my fond wish. I have brought you Eastern silk, Soft and smooth as lupine fur. Will you then be content and laugh? Does this your wishes answer? No, for there is something else, Softer and smoother than that. I cannot tell you what it is, But something I would love to have. I have brought you silver and gold, Bright and true as swan to mate. Will you now declare yourself mine? Does this assuage your hate? No, for I have never hated you, But bright and true as metals are There is something I want yet more, More bright than northern star. I know now the answer to your riddle, For only one work of art Can be sweet, red, soft as you demand. That thing is the human heart. Yes, for love is more red and sweet Than the fairest fruit of the vine. It is softer and smoother than silk, And than metals more truly divine. Then I give my heart to your heart, And my love, if you will have me. I have never wanted anything else. I will take this gift right gladly.