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The Goatleap Line

The Goatleaps.

Heroes of the War of the Falling, and all the wars of Rowan in the Third Era, save the very last. Devoted followers of Deerfriend and Turnlong. Opponents of Oak. Holders of goddess-power. Butchers and slayers. Wise and enlightened.

The makers of the Change.

The Goatleap line resists any easy categorization. It began with the Lord Dandran, who, as his people fought a losing battle against the silverini and their slaves in the province of Lillomar, called in despair on the stars. He made a bargain with death itself, it is said, to give up his life if his people could win the battle.

At the end of his prayer, his body burst into flames that did not consume him. Screaming in pain and triumph, he rushed upon the silverini, of whom fire was the bane, and vanquished them. As he ended them, a harp-note sounded, and his line became high blood. He did not die, but lasted to found a line...

..that, many said later, should have died with him.

The Goatleap line lay in silence for generations, devotedly following the Deerfriends, who ruled in Rowan. The Lady Phaediyartha was the right hand of the Lord Yubro for many years, until she heard, as she said, "a distant call," and passed away into the south.

The Lord Dorren was the flowering of the Goatleaps. He served the Lady Eleriad devotedly for many years, invented the border patrols between Rowan and Shadows, held the power of the Goddess Tirosina in his body against the warriors of Oak, slew the traitor Tala Lafoxbane in the Elfworld War, struck the fear of Elwens into curalli, survived the many slaughters of the War of Acceptance, and provided a stalwart support for the Lord Herran. He also vanished, leaving the line and lands to his great-grandson. It is said that he did not commit suicide, but chased the vanished master torturer Quirrin Shennalor, and slew him for his crimes.

The Lord Osian, Dorren's great-grandson, ruled wisely and well, and the line might have endured in glory... for the Lord Grukkar.

The Lord Grukkar, in obedience to the Prophecy of Diversa, brought about the Change. He ended millions of lives and Changed many of the survivors through compelling Selkendal Shadowgift to release the wild magic. He cannot be forgiven, and it is only small comfort that the Goatleap line perished in the Release.

Below are Goatleap links. If thou wouldst touch them, thou mayest.

Goatleap Links

The Lord Dorren