Going On I knew my mirror was here a moment ago. Where did I put it, where did it go? We must go on. I have to find my mirror- my shoes! I know I didn't have them loose. Hurry up. You go on, I can't- my glasses! Did I drop them in the grasses? We must go on. Aren't you curious- my laces! I'll find them if I search for ages. Hurry up. I'll hurry when- I saw it! There! Something just vanished into air. We must go on. Something is taking my things! Did you notice all the fairy rings? Hurry up. I'll catch up with you sometime. I want to see if the old rhyme- We must go on. Holds any truth. To see a fairy! There's something here that makes me tarry. Hurry up. No! I want to see this lovely thing, Just on this side of the mushroom ring. We must go on. Go on if you think you must. I think I can smell fairy dust. Hurry up. Did you never want to take a chance? Did you ever want to see fairies dance? We must go on. I'm not going, till I see with eyes What on the other side of this ring lies. Hurry up. Go away, if you must ruin my fun. I saw something sparkle in the sun. We must go on. I'm going on, in a different way. I know I saw something run away. Hurry up. I'm going on. Goodbye! Goodbye! See you under a different sky! We must go on. I'm going on. Farewell! Farewell! I guess I didn't know you all that well. Hurry up.