Gwydion's Song Of Blodeuwedd Twine blossoms of oak and broom and meadowsweet. My flowerborn must have dainty feet, And legs that bob and bend like flowers, With skin as white as fairy towers. This is the greatest labor of my mind: To create a woman of no mortal kind. Twine blossoms of broom and meadowsweet and oak. Let her long hair in blossoms soak. Let the fold and fall of belly and breast Be perfect and symmetrical with the rest. This is the greatest labor of my mind: To create a woman of no mortal kind. Twine blossoms of meadowsweet and oak and broom. Let her face like a fairest flower bloom; Let her eyes glow with vibrant life, Blodeuwedd born of flowers to be Lleu's wife. This is the greatest labor of my mind: To create a woman of no mortal kind.