Immanence I have felt divinity in sunlight, And felt it in the close of day When stars come, pulling down a cloak of night So the darkness may gather sway. I have never felt it beyond the sky, Nor felt the omniscient eye Glaring hate and accusation at me. I have stood in awe of the sea, But not said its magnificence Meant some transcendence that I could not see. Divinity is immanence. I have seen eagles on a height, Wheeling wide in their copper-wingéd play, That made my soul thrill with delight. I have seen blue hills rising far away That made my spirit long to fly Like the eagles, wheeling higher than high, So I might look on them truly. I have felt the wind, blowing keen and free, Stun me to tears with its bright nonsense. I have loved all that I could see. Divinity is immanence. From the sound of bells, I have taken flight. I love them not, that swing and sway, And call death an eternal, deserved night, That fear and loathe the end of day. I love that, when I say to the wind, "Why?" It tosses the word upon high, And bears it away smooth and rapidly. Perhaps somewhere in the blue sea Fish that in the deeps burn radiance Will hear the sound of the word, and know me. Divinity is immanence. I am the wings of the great kite, Sister whom I love more than I can say. I am the foam on the sea, white As snow upon the mountains Himalay. I am each tear, each human sigh That the world passes, everlasting, by. I am the stars- and as quickly I am the worm my eye will never see. How can I long for, love transcendence When the world is divinity? Divinity is immanence. Of all the pictures that I have in sight Of gods with which we humans play, I love most not God on some distant height, But that of a hen at her lay, That of hawks patrolling the deep blue sky, That of Earth that will never die. All the deaths within her set others free, As the death of one hive queen bee Sets her rival past the battle-fence. We are all connected; we are all free. Divinity is immanence. I live in the wind and in sea. To the thought that deity lives in me And all things else I shall give credence. We are all bound; we are all free. Divinity is immanence.