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The Lafoxbane Line

The Lafoxbanes.

Priests and priestesses of Tirosina, Lady of Ravens, Goddess of Dark Magic and Dark Beauty. Bane of the Lafoxes. The Bane of Goatleap. The Restored Glory.

Some call the history of Lafoxbane the darkest of that of all the great lines, forgetting, perhaps, that the taint of darkness has ridden in the Goatleaps and even the Deerfriends. It is true that Larelina, the founding Lady of Lafoxbane, who earned the high blood distinction when she slew a group of Lafox slaves of the silverini, became a priestess of Tirosina, and that tradition continued for some generations.

But her descendant, the Lady Linay, broke with it for one generation, choosing not to follow the ways of her mother, and had not her daughter chosen to return to the worship of the Music Mother, the line might have shaken itself free of the taint for all time. Instead, the line was thrown from Rowan for attempting to sacrifice a Deerfriend heir; and when the Lord Sodiest returned to the city, he did not acquit himself with any grace. All the world knows of his rivalry with the Lord Keren Deerfriend; the tale will not be repeated here.

But they found their place in the Rowanpride Wars, when Sotam, a scion of the line, tricked the Lord Grukkar Goatleap and murdered his unborn child. The Bane of Goatleap, they were called afterwards, and it was seen as a mark of star-favor that the Lafoxbanes lived, while the Goatleaps perished in the Change.

Since then, they have been known as Lis Haldal, the Restored Glory. Currently the Lady Estalchin is Councilmaster of Rowan, and claimed to be as great in the post-Change World as ever the Lady Eleriad was in the High Ages.

Below are Lafoxbane links. If thou wouldst touch them, thou mayest.

Lafoxbane Links

The Lady Estalchin