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The Leaflaughter Line

The Leaflaughters.

Lords and ladies of battle.

It is said that the line received its name when the Lady Vindia the Founder, having held off an army in the narrow Arinromobo Pass for three days and nearly dead from lack of food and sleep, said that she could still hear the leaves laughing when the wind brushed past them. The moment she spoke these words, the family became high blood.

This line has shone in the history of Rowan, though its glories are few compared with Deerfriend or the other lines. For most of their time, they have been patient, enduring, deeply loving ladies and lords of their land, and always ready with the sword when the call comes.

It took the War of Acceptance with the humans to make a difference. The Lord Jashan defended a pass as had his foremother, and lost an arm in the doing of it. The Lady Vindia, his daughter, went into a killing rage on the battlefield of Esshellen where the Lady Eleriad died, and slew more than a hundred enemies. And her son, the Lord Rai, has remained a vigilant guardian of the high blood since.

Below are Leaflaughter links. If thou wouldst, thou mayest read more.

Leaflaughter Links

The Lord Jashan