Panegyric: To Her Her eyes are clear and as fair As waters from a holy spring, As snow-filtered winter air, As skylark-song on wing. Two pools of blooms that sing, They shine beneath her hair, Like a crown upon a king, Like jewels radiant-rare. Her golden hair flows down Like the snow in a stream, Like the wind from heaven's crown, Like rivers in a dream. Its subtle, soft and aurum gleam Pulls me in to drown In a sea as soft as cream By roses overgrown. Her spirit cuts through me As a knight's battle-lance, As the lightning on the sea, As the music in a dance. Strengths like wild horses prance About her, fair and free, An offering made at such chance As Heaven weeps to see. Her goodness is such made As thunder among the gods, As the greenness in a glade, As the strike of chariot rods. Irresistible, where she has trod It flows in a cavalcade Of goods both tempting and odd, From a land far-off laid. And well I love her, both For the beauty she can No more hide than the moth Can live past the fire's span, And for her living weaving's fan Of character-spun cloth. Ah, that she loves a man Is something I must loathe!