The Phoenix's Country: Fire and Water The phoenix in the sun's immortal realm Unfolds her wings and begins her own sunrise Above the rose-crowned oak and flame-crowned elm, Themselves crowning what is all-fair to eyes. Soft light spirals downwards from her golden wings That teach the amaranth immortal-wise. And the song that the nightingale by moonlight sings Cannot with her wings' darting flames compare, And cannot stand rank with her eyes' brilliant fire That soars above the stars of the upper air Which sing ever of bittersweet silver desire; Than the sun and moon's songs she is more fiercely fair. She dances above a quiet green country With gold-crowned trees and soft brilliant streams That as far as even a phoenix's eyes can see Move and glide like winsome dreams within dreams, Now like the silver-green sky, now the hue of ash, Reflecting the shifting light that the dawn's gleams Have not yet banished with their cloudy flash, The deep gray and black, the tail end of night. Birds are beginning to sing their morning songs, A soft paean of praise and welcome to light That stirs the heart's cauldron till the heart longs To forsake the dark, and foresee the bright. The phoenix moves confidently, calmly aloft, Following the track of the slow-moving sun That makes the air about him all snowy-soft Long before the first bright hounds give tongue And there begins a general hunting of beams Down the stairs and waters which with light run. The rays polish the air with sunlight till it gleams. The streams are all dancing to a radiant tune Piped out by watchers hiding in dells Who have waited for the grieving moon To take to exile her horde of silvery bells, And the gold butterfly to come from the cocoon. The phoenix enters a calm golden world, While below the streams are scrubbed like jewels To take the golden light that form heaven is hurled And spin it with water in deep hidden pools Until they create gems of such sapphire splendor That the water dances until the stream cools. They hone the jewel's facets to sharp and slender Points of perfect burning magnificence, While downstream the rapids toss out the dross Of water that could not bear such blue elegance. But even this turns to a foamy white froth, In sunlight a storm of silver radiance. The phoenix alights on a rose-crowned tree, And bends her head like a narcissus to water, To see what a queen she is and may be. Droplets that would drive her flames to steamy slaughter Swirl to crown her with a chaplet of roses, This queen of flame who is the sun's daughter. Water that in the deep pools dozes Offers up to her the bright jewels a-borning. The phoenix eyes each sharp sweet sapphire That her golden brow and wings is adorning, And bows her head again, this time to admire The water's tribute to her and to the morning.