There were so many things, so many visions. She felt them flowing out of her in words and song and scraps of poetry. It did not matter. The important things were the visions. A man in silver on the back of a gray horse, a fair man lifting aloft his arm and staring in wonder at the crystal dragon band that encircled it. A white wolf gliding through the snow, turning eyes the color of shadow on her. A young woman with golden hair, in a white gown, smearing silver blood over her face. A raven gliding with widespread wings over the troubled waters of a great bay. A glistening sword, ebony with a silver hilt, pitting to corruption as she watched. A silver flower growing in a green garden. A dancer with golden eyes spinning beneath the golden moon. A raging sea, with the sunset sun shining through the clouds to, impossibly, cast a calm path of light over the tossing waves. A dark green stone, carved in the shape of a stalking cat, glistening on a wrist the same color as it was. A placid land sparkling beneath a winter sunrise. A crystal mountain on the edge of a sea aglow with light from some unknown source. An old woman smiling up at the four moons. A bleeding man sprawled amid blue flowers, at the edge of a clearing holding an altar. A dark pool, deep as the heart of forever, encircled by fourteen white stones. Dancing gray unicorns. A terrible creature, half black boar, half white fox, running through a wood, bleeding from a wound high in its side. A dove perching with wings spread atop an enormous box carved of a single emerald and inlaid with gold. A black tree with golden fruit. An evening-blue lake, ringed with trees bearing summer-green leaves. The two cracked halves of a stone bowl, draining some liquid away into leaf mold. A cougar rending apart a young boy. A hill alone under the starlight, wrapped in gray mist and pure, unadulterated nightingale-song. A bull with glistening white horns bowing his head to a slender child. A banner that snapped and fluttered in the wind, sometimes flying straight to display a black, red-eyed dragon in flight. A ruby cup of ruby wine, glistening and deadly. A forest that rode to the ends of the world, stained with summer light and the shadows of wings. A snowfall over a tree already laden with ice crystals. A phoenix rising from its pyre into the gaping claws of a falcon. An egg, shining with the rich, deep gem-colors of amethyst and emerald, gold and ruby, onyx and sapphire. An abandoned eagle's eyrie, the wind stirring the edges of the nest mournfully. A pair of malevolent dark eyes gazing from between pale branches. A stream flowing glittering over golden hills beneath a red sun. A sea the color of chalk, heaving slowly. An army charging to meet another army composed only of shadows. Golden figures waiting on the edge of a hill for news that never came. A silver horn winding a call that chilled the soul and froze the heart. A unicorn turning at bay, its gray eyes and white coat enough to break the heart.