Ride Free Beneath the stars and under moon, Where the thoughts at twilight dim, Is a place I must come soon To go riding down the wind. There, at midnight's nearest noon, A horse waits beside the lynn, Coat of blended white and gray Shining like the ending day. There, with dove-gray mane and tail; There he waits, his neck a-quiver With the longing to run and sail, As the stars in the sky shiver. My mind protests to no avail; We are running, as if to deliver A message on which turns fate, On which kings and worlds wait. The horse's motions under me Are smooth as the flowing water Of a stream or of a sea. His hoofs do constant slaughter To each league as we ride free. For a moment, I am wind's daughter, Succumbing to the lure, My hair tangled with wind-whisper. Then I come back to myself As into a wood we speed Where never walked a sprite or elf, Where there never walked, indeed, Any spirit from legend's shelf. I see the trees begin to bleed, And shiver, and hold myself still. We pass like a wind upon a rill. We come out upon a slope, And the horse snorts and slows, Dropping from a canter to a lope, His hooves slipping in the snows. I tense, and my mind finds hope. This trail, this route, he knows. Perhaps we can find an ember Of a path I might remember. But then, the same as before- With no time and no transition- We pass through some hidden door, And ride into the midst of vision, As past stars and moon we soar. I stifle a scream and make a decision: The next time I hear time's cough, Path or no, I'm leaping off. But when his hooves touch ground, They splash down into the ocean. He swims with white water all around. I sit swaying slightly with the motion As he kicks his way across a sound, My heart swelling with fearful emotion. Very well, then: I will find my way home The moment that we leave the foam. And then we leave it, on a track Where the moonlight falls through trees That otherwise are truly black. I listen in silence to the breeze, For I cannot find my way back. This seems my mount to please. At least, he snorts and then stops In a clearing filled with dewdrops. I sink off his back and down, Rolling on my back to stare Up at his head with wind crowned, Not believing I dared to dare Such a ride- for almost drowned And lost upon land and air Was I in that wild ride. The horse moves up to my side, Lowering his head, and I sigh, Stroke his mane, and slowly drift Back through my mind's dull sky, Back through the mist of my gift, Until I forget what it is to fly, And my wings forget to lift. For I must ride wild, ride free, In order to write poetry.