Sunrise Grant me the sight to see things as they are. Grant me hope to continue the journey. These prayers I whisper, gazing on a star, Or looking at sunrise over the sea. Though I am weary, it does not matter, When eastern light is reborn before me. The chains fall away with a sharp clatter, And I am free of the things I have done. My heart with joy is going to shatter, As I leap up in flight born of the sun. I am born of the sun, and born of fire. I am the brilliant, the radiant one! Joy, and wild laughter, and wilder desire-- These are my wings that sweep me to the high. In light I fly; within light I soar higher. I am the spirit of flame and of sky. I am the thunderclap on brighter wing. I am one born of earth who can still fly. I am a comet, every bright thing. I am the phoenix; the sun is my fire. I know the song that the last sirens sing, And on wings of such song rise from my pyre, And dance with the flame, and to light aspire.