The Sound Of Horns I have seen beauty in the soul of a star And heard the song of the light on the seas. I have seen the waves lapping the bar And heard the gossip of the oak trees. I have felt all the winds one can feel And smelled the scent of roses so fair They make the senses swoon, doubting the real. I have smelled the scent of the night air. I have tasted the mint in the valleys of the gods And heard the bells clash at the ride of the hunts. I have seen horses with bright silver shod And I think I heard the elves singing once. I have heard the horns in the depths of my dreams, Calling, always calling, melodic and drawing. I have breathed the air so soft it gleams And listened to the tune of forever calling. The sound of horns breaks in the depths of the sea, In the depths of the night when I watch the stars, Speaking and singing sweet music to me. Wherever I look, sometimes, I gaze afar. The sound of horns flows in the depths of the water, Rising whenever I think it is gone. The sound of horns shines the bright red of slaughter In the skies of sunset and of dawn. The sound of horns comes from the depths of the earth Whenever I think they have gone forever. Something in me as I listen has painful birth, And I wish I could choose which bond to sever. The sound of horns sings in the softness of wind Whenever I think that I am listening only To a soft music that has already dinned For centuries over the cold and the lonely. The sound of horns plays my heart like a bard the harp Bringing me misery, bringing wonder so wild That it touches me with a flame bright and sharp That will not change to anything mild. The sound of horns breaks in the depths of my heart, Whenever I see beauty in the soul of a star. The sound of triumph and magic, rending me apart, For I am one who stands here, and must gaze afar.