What The Mermaid Sang Waves and billows, whitecaps and blue, Come sing to me, come round me, wash me clean Of all the stain that infects me unseen Whenever I am parted for a moment from you. Kelp that twines in the depths of my homeland, Come wind round my neck in a glistening chain, Still wet from the water, wet from the rain, Come wind round my chest, my tail, and my hand. Shells that lie scattered where land and sea meet, Come add to the sand that in abundance lies In the shallows where the waters mirror the skies. Come make a carpet for the seagulls' clawed feet. Seagulls that soar above the wind and the wave, Come to me, that I may look into your dark eyes, At once the gaze of young ruffians, and old and wise. Come fly away, fly above me; we have souls to save. Currents that speed beneath the surface unchanging, Come bear me away with you; make my tail fleet. We have a stranger to our world to meet, Come, speed me that I may be soon free-ranging. Ship that wallows in the waves far too high, Come crack, and let those I can save come to me. Let the others into the castles of the sea. Come, surrender, to the fury of the sea and sky. Sailor who lies limp and heavy on my arm, Come, let me sing you back into sleep. Do not fight the siren song of the deep. Come with me to shore; come to no harm. Strand that glitters gold now in sunlight, Come, bear this sailor till one comes for him. Let me into the sea as fast as I may swim. Come, carry no sea-wrack of the night. Sun rising above the waters in splendor, Come, shed your light on the awakening man, Who blinks and stirs safe on sea-sand. Come, let your light dazzle him not to remember. Song that dances ever in my lips and heart, Come now, let your beauty lull him back to sleep, Come now, let me sing the song of the deep, And let him remember only that light did start From the waves and billows, the whitecaps and blue. Come even now to the shore in dazzling sweep, Creating beauty that will make him forget and weep. Let me sing, and rise, and fall again, back into you.