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Arcadian Poetry

Here is some of the Arcadian poetry that has built up (and built up, and built up) over the course of my work. Context is listed beside the poems.

A Moment Of Silence - Arcadia (this is probably a sign of my immaturity at the time I created it) has a sky that changes colors with the seasons- green in spring, blue in summer, gold in autumn, white in winter. This is a song of farewell to the spring and welcome to the summer as the summer moon, Takon, rises and the sky changes from green to blue.

A Song Of The Sea Countries - This is a strange and almost meaningless song that has shown up in several of my books now. Part love song, part lament, part nonsense rhyme. It meant something once long ago. Perhaps someday I'll even discover what it meant.

Blue-Ruled - Another song of seasonal sky-change.

Catimenta - This is an Age of Dawn song with a fairly straightforward story. Thing you might need to know to read it: Elwens seal their betrothals with collars rather than rings as humans do. It signifies a willing loss of some freedom to the partner's needs and desires.

Coalcloud's Song - A lament for a fallen gryphon leader.

The Dancers - An Elwen poem about the stars.

The Dangerous Dreamer - A song about what happens when the power of a leader gets out of control. Elwens traditionally do not follow a leader unless they respect him/her, but as their emotions are ten times stronger than a human's, fanatic zeal can sometimes overpower them.

I Am - Probably the most quintessentially Elwen poem I've ever written, it expresses delight in existence for existence's own sake.

Light Of The Stars - Another quintessential Elwen poem, praising the stars, who are the creators of Elwenkind.

Lord Of All - Just for a change, a silver unicorn poem, a dialogue between a petitioner and her god, Takon the Summer Moon and Sapphire Unicorn.

Maruss's Song - A lament for a fallen Elwen leader.

Passing To The Elfmother - The funeral music of the elves of Arcadia.

More coming soon!