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'The Arc of Fire'- Arianda Epic Fantasy (Feb. 26, 2001- )

The 'Arc of Fire'- the name for the whole of the epic fantasy series I want to set in Arion- will probably be eighteen books, forming three six-book cycles. I was writing this partially as a challenge; I wanted to see how many viewpoint characters I can handle, since I had traditionally confined myself to one for an entire book or series, and never done more than three at a time. (I have now done four, and it's worked well). Fire in the Darkness had eight, Bloodmay eleven. Black Jaguar and Silver Lightning has thirteen. The number would change or grow depending on my need in the series. Currently, I have stopped writing it because I realized that I had lost interest in many characters on the side of the Light.

I wanted to write it partially because I am interested in epic fantasy and also in ways that the conventions of it are bent or followed in epic fantasy series like The Lord of the Rings, The Wheel of Time, and A Song of Ice and Fire. Since the fantasy novels I have written so far are largely different from most in the genre, I wanted to see if I would manage the same thing with a fantasy that seems truer to form.

I probably will return to this project someday, once I can figure out a way to revive my interest in the characters.


Links to Novels and Information

Prologue and first chapters of _Fire in the Darkness_, my first novel set in Arion.
Prologue and first chapters of _Bloodmay,_ sequel to _Fire in the Darkness_.
Prologue and first chapters of _Black Jaguar and Silver Lightning_, sequel to _Bloodmay_ and the novel I'm currently working on.
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