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Novels I Would Like to Write

I'm currently (August 25, 2003) working on the Pretentious Pentad, which I want to finish before I start anything else. These are just plans and dreams that I want to give some voice to now, especially because I have a tendency to forget things if they're not written down...

(Public means they would be posted somewhere on the Internet; private that I would keep them on my hard drive, for various reasons).

The Seasons Quartet (public). This series has already begun, with Made Glorious Summer, but I want to write a full four-book series, one for each season, detailing the life of Yubro Deerfriend. All will probably be extremely long, so that I can fit Yubro's life story in. The tentative titles for the others are Bright-Blooming Autumn, How Like a Winter, and Speak of the Spring. This story will give me the backbone for a lot of other material in Arcadia, given that they describe one of the major story arcs I haven't planned out until now.

Singing The Song of Days (private). Only one Dark's Lord in Orlath ever came from the Kingdom of Doralissa- with good reason, since Doralissa worships Light to the exclusion of all other powers. This novel would detail the seduction of Serais, and how the Dark managed to convince him that leaving the Light was a good idea. Private, since it would be more serious than the parodic novels and I'm not at all sure how it would work out.

Time Ere Time Expire (private). Arcadian story about a lightning Elwen who becomes convinced that it would have been better if he had never been born, and goes back in time to prevent his own birth (having worked out what all the consequences would be, and exactly how he needs to do it). Of course, something interferes. The title is taken from Swinburne's "Laus Veneris." Private for messy metaphysics, and because I'm not at all confident of my ability to write some of the scenes the story will require.

Starclad (private). An Orlathian novel, the romance of King Pheron of Orlath and Dorianna, a woman in the Arvennese diplomatic service. Private. I want to write it, but it's romance. I've never been good with romances.

A Mind of Many Colors (public). An Eleven Worlds novel, dealing with the creation of the world of Ne'maren. Set during a time when no one had created a world for centuries, and the creator doesn't know all the consequences of what he's doing...

The Goddess Trilogy (public). An Arcadian trilogy that would actually deal with the corame, the 'lesser cousins' of Elwens who are portrayed as bitter and envious through Elwen eyes. Dealing with a young corama woman, Calla, who would manage to serve the Goddess and not come off all preachy and feministy. Reader reaction would be vital on this one, so that I would know if I was stepping over the line.

More put up as they come to me.
