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The Pantheon Library

This page is intended as a general hub of information about Arcadia's divine powers (not all of whom are called gods; if I ever get it finished, I intend to put up "Speculations on the Nature of Arcadian Immortality," which defines the differences between the kinds of divine powers).


Originally, Arcadia had fourteen deities, seven of each gender. But then Tirosina, who was born a mortal woman, ascended, and one god and one goddess died. The numbers of the great gods have been unchanged since the earliest days of the Age of Dawn, seven female and six male

Their names are found below, listed in the order of power.

Jvevanni- The Lady of Life and Death.

Nystze- The Queen of Caprice, the goddess of emotion, storm, and the sea.

Tirosina- The Lady of the Dark Rose, the goddess of dark creation.

Sarastaa- The Lord of the Dawn, god of the sunrise. (Equal in power to Dermand).

Dermand- The Dusk Father, the god of sunset, war, and slaughter.

Chilune- The Laughing Lady, the goddess of chaos and mischief.

Nirnez- The Lady of Wind, the goddess of air and birds.

Mareth- The Lord of Running Water, the god of rivers.

Ylpea- The Lord of Dragonflame, the god of power, pride, and dragons.

Suulta- The White Lady, the goddess of calm and compassion.

Mirsun- The Lord of the Hunt, the god of art.

Epakohta- The Lord of Madness, the god of deserts, dreams, and illusion.

Shelsleadal- The Masked One, the goddess of farming and the harvest.


Takon- The Sapphire Unicorn, moon of the summer and the silverini.

Lureth- The Lady, moon of the autumn and heartbreak.

Salsi- The Cruel Lord, moon of the winter and the crimson unicorns.

Rareth- The Trickster, moon of the spring and rebirth.


Shaman Gods- Some four-legged races have a tradition of shamans.

The Corametel- The Mother of the Corame, creatress of that race.

Jamalen- The goddess of the mist Elwen race.

The Five Ancestresses- The five lesser spirits of heaven who married into the churni race.


The Stars- Not precisely worshipped, the creators of the Elwens are nonetheless blindingly powerful.

The Lesser Kin- Lesser spirits of heaven, kin to the gods, who never descended.


Asroa- The Netter, the goddess of love, brought down by the sapphire Elwen assassin Sappho.

Jet- The Lord of Cats, god of predators, brought down by a desert Elwen magical trap.


Relations of the Elwens and the Divine- Elwens do not precisely worship the stars, and they are the children of no gods.

The Afterlives of the Races- What happens to Arcadia's children when they die?

The Damarothi- The damarothi are a group, mostly made of Elwens, dedicated to destroying the divine powers and giving the world over to the mortals who live on it; they see worship as slavery. This link leads to some collected fragments of their writings.
