Primal Phonology (As written; unfortunately, I tended to go more by letters than sounds, though I'm working on fixing that). a- As a in ape, most of the time; as a in father at ends of words, and in the middle of words (such as conjugated verbs) that came from words where the a was final. For example: davan (they accept, from davra, 'to accept,') has a short a because it had this sound at the end of the infinitive. aa- As two separate sounds; the first as a in father, the second according to what letter follows it. ae- As a in mare- a as in ape with a very slight y sound after it. ah- As a in father in the middle of words. At the end of words, two sounds (a as in father, h as breathed; see below). ai- As in air. al- Single l softens the a to ah. 'All' retains the strong a sound and is pronounced like the word ale. ao- Two separate sounds: strong a, strong o (see below). au, aw- As in caught, law. ay- As ae- strong a, very slight y sound. Before vowels, has strong y sound, so maya 'house' is pronounced MAY-yah. b- As in boat. c- As in cat before a, o, u; as in cell before e, i, y. ch- As in church, always (even at the end of words); never hard -ch of loch. d- As in dog. e- As in bed before most consonants. At the end of words it takes the sound in beta. ea- Strong e (beta) sound; a takes its sound depending on the sound following it. ee- As ee in peel- ee in green with a very slight y sound following it. Before vowels, y is strong: rheea, 'windy,' is RHEE-yah. eh- As e in bed, even if at the end of a word. ei- Strong i sound, as in German ein. eo- Separate sounds- e as in beta, o as in bone. eu- As u in hut. eu- (at beginning of words only) As in Europe. ew- As ew in pewter. ey- Like ae or ay- strong a sound with very slight y sound afterwards. f- As in find. g- As in get; in a few words (such as gera, 'silence,' and its derivations) as in giant. h- As in hat. -h- After a consonant at the beginning of a word, h indicates a 'staggered' sound. The first consonant should be pronounced as nearly by itself as possible (or else as the sound with a little schwa sound following it) and then the h heads the beginning of the word. Thus: khammara 'murderess' k-haym-MAYR-ah or kuh-haym-MAYR-ah. -h: At the ends of words, following a consonant or the vowel a, is a very short, breathed sound. It almost, but not quite, has a schwa sound after it. Thus: anh 'raid" is AYN-h or AYN-huh. i- As in machine. ia- Two separate sounds- i as in machine, a as whatever comes after it dictates. ie- Two separate sounds- i as in machine, e as whatever comes after it dictates. ih- As i in sick. ii- Two separate sounds, ee-ee. il, ill- Differentiated by their consonant sounds alone. I as in sick. io- Two separate sounds: i as in machine, o as in bone. iu- Two separate sounds: i as in machine, u as whatever the following letter dictates. j- As in jump. k- As in king. l- As in love. ll- "Trilled," like the Spanish rr; never pronounced simply as in pillar. m- As in month. n- As in night. ng- In the middle of a word, as in finger; at the end, as in sing. N- "Hard" n, almost but not quite like ng in sing, said with the tongue up against the teeth. o- As in bone. oa- Separate sounds: o as in bone, a as whatever comes after it dictates. oe- Separate sounds: o as in bone, e as whatever comes after it dictates. oi- As oy in boy. oo- "Stretched" sound as in bone, held for a beat longer. ou, ow- As ou in round, ow in flower. oy- As oi in boil: oi sound followed by a very slight y sound. Oi + consonantal y before vowels. p- As in paint. ph- As in phonology. pph- Strong p, followed by ph. q- As qu in queen. Not usually written with a u following. r- As in right. rh- "Dragged" r sound, held for a moment like a vowel (_not_ trilled). s- As in sight. sh- As in shut. t- As in tight. Before i near the ends of words, sometimes takes sh sound of t in action. th- Always as in thin, never as in other. u- As in dune, never as in put or human. ua- Separate sounds: Oo-ah, or Oo + modified a sound. ue- W + strong e sound, as the word way. uh- As u in hut. ui- As in French oui. uo- Separate sounds: Oo-oh. uu- Separate sounds: oo-oo. uy- As in guy. v- As in vine. w- As in wine. -w: At the ends of words after consonants, a breathed sound (see -h above). Said as either "wuh" or as close to a w-begun breath as possible. x- Two proununciations: ks as in Mexico, gz as in exile. The ks is generally considered more "stylish." y- As in you before vowels; as in try between consonants or at the end of words. After a consonant at the beginning of a word, combines the sounds, as in hyacinth. Ex: nya 'death' is NIGH-yah. yy- First y as in hyacinth, second as in try. z- As in zoo. zh- As z in azure.