Sylaer Sylaer, the little town, You are in my dreams wherever I go. You are the reason my hopes go down Into darkness when I face a foe, And the reason my heart rises up When I behold the sky's blue cup. I always look to see it scarred by your towers, Sylaer of the strange and feral powers. Sylaer, the little town, You are in the faces of everyone I know. They speak of you as of their own, And they smirk at me wherever I may go. I know that you are haunting me still, And you could appear beyond every hill. I always look upon your golden towers, Sylaer of the strange and feral powers. Sylaer, the little town, You will not stay with me, and will not go. There is no place I can hide or go to ground; And if I die because of you no one will ever know. I cast myself upon the ground and weep, While your bells sing in my ears asleep. Someday I will look upon your crystal towers, Sylaer of the strange and feral powers.