Tree of the Two I have been to the Tree of the Two, And nothing will be the same in my life again. I have seen the silver leaves with the light shining through, The shining of a truth unknown to men. Save me, save me, Dinir and Morie! In the secrets of your teachings I am swept away. They risked their lives to rid us of the sidhe, And for that all the bards gladly sing their praise. But there is something about that single tree That stands above the fog of the singers' daze. Save me, save me, Morie and Dinir! I long to follow the path to a land far from here. I have been to look up into that tree, And seen there the first awakening of the tragic Fate that haunted them so they could not be free, Even as they worked on teaching their people magic. Save me, save me, Dinir and Morie! In the secrets of your teachings I am swept away. Bound to look into each other's eyes, Bound as are the trunks of the Tree of the Two! Bound to know all secrets, to be sadly wise, Bound as are the leaves to the sunlight shining through! Save me, save me, Morie and Dinir! I long to follow the path to a land far from here. Because of them, because of our Lord Beldon, We live in a world where we need not fear. We will never be friendless, without magic, alone; We owe the thanks of discovery to our Lord Dinir. Save me, save me, Dinir and Morie! In the secrets of your teachings I am swept away. Because of them, because of our Lord Beldon, We lived in a world where the sidhe stay far away. We no longer fear the hollow hill, the standing stone; We owe the thanks of sharing to our Lady Morie. Save me, save me, Morie and Dinir! I long to follow the path to a land far from here. And so we live in a world full of magic, Thanks to the two whose fates are tied to that tree, And we are free of what would make it so tragic, The long years of slavery at the hands of the sidhe. Save me, save me, Dinir and Morie! In the secrets of your teachings I am swept away. I gaze up in longing at the Tree of the Two, And wish they could come briefly to life again, So that I might tell them they made sunlight shine through The lives of all Beldonean women and men. Save me, save me, Morie and Dinir! I long to follow the path to a land far from here. Save me, save me, Morie and Dinir! Save me, save me, Dinir and Morie! I have journeyed in my thoughts a long way from here; By the glory of your tale I was swept far away.