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The Jeweled

Where the river crashes into the dark ocean,
Twining its essence with that of the stone,
Of the cliff it covers with frenziéd motion,
There lies the place I love alone.

There, the rocks shine like jeweled stars,
Rivaled only by the argentine lights above,
And the spark of the foam on the sandbars.
There, there, is the place that I love.

There, there, the rocks are fluted ice-bone,
Blue as the sheen of an unforgiving sapphire,
Blue as the blood frozen in the heart of stone.
There, by the water, I touch coiled fire.

Where the streams run to meet the hard sea,
Springing like lovers eager for suicide,
And the waves dash up in splintering ecstasy-
There is the one place that I do not hide.

There darkness comes in like a hawk's fall,
And the moon is a shell pocked with disease.
There night is not a balm to the sea's call,
But a call for higher and more hectic seas.

There, there, my soul yells like a wild thing,
Yells like a seabird caught in the storm,
Yells like a monster's soul taken dark wing,
Yells like a beast forced into human form.

Where the rivers run down to meet their doom,
And the foam leaps as though turned to steam,
The cascading petals of some stony bloom-
There, there, I wake at last from a dream.

There, where most wild the elements rage,
And the water torments the stone without cease,
The fury I carry in my soul leaves its cage;
There, there, my screaming sinks into peace.
