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The Children of the Mountains

The wyverns have been known as the Children of the Mountains time out of mind. Possibly they first hatched there. Possibly the race that still dwells among the peaks, the ruer, was the first, and all others came from them. But whatever the reason, though wyverns dwell now in jungles and forests and many other places, they have not forgotten their ancient name, and not yielded it.

-The Children of the Mountains, opening paragraph, by Sasilith Kremer.

Wyverns are one of the more mysterious races of Arcadia. They practice the isolationism of the corame, but with a good deal more success, not becoming involved very often in the affairs of the world even during the Great Wars. They are said to be kin to dragons, but very rarely fly to help them of their own initiative, waiting to answer the call. Like dragons, they live in Clans, but unlike dragons, they base such things not on blood relationships but on their system of honor, called mishar. Few outsiders take the time or trouble to understand them, and friendships between wyverns and other races are rare.

Included on this page are some of those rare glimpses into wyvern life that the lucky, the persistent, or the gifted have managed to document.

The Races of Wyverns- If there was ever just one race of wyverns, that day is long gone. Eight races of wyverns live on Arcadia now. This document, first found carved on a stone in an abandoned Clan lair, gives a glimpse of them, from a ruer (mountain wyvern) perspective.

Clansong- A song sung by a dying wyvern, who seems to have wished to preserve his last moments, to the dragonfriend and sage Sasilith Kremer.

Mishar- A draconic perspective on the wyvern system of honor, and how it differs from the dragons' concept of honor, shizeran.

In The Mountains Alone- A wyvern fairy tale, which attempts to account for their isolationism.
