Myself, finally
I am a sphere:
a crystalline globe lit from within
with prismatic, undulating fire
glancing down at the pale skin of my arm,
I expect to see it rippling
the effervescence that threatens to utterly,
consume me
my eyes are shining brightly
I know this although I do not consult a mirror
I can feel their wide wonderment
a palpable sparkle
my lips curl with amusement
for no one is glancing my way
solemn necks holding upturned faces
sit stoically in careful rows before me
oh, you insensate wretches –
you do not know what you are missing!
can you not sense the electricity
- emotional, intellectual, spiritual –
that envelops me
in a vital, writhing cloud?
my fingers tingle restlessly
but this very impatience is pleasurable
reminding me that I have
passion and anticipation and hope and hunger
unlocking the cell in which my true self has been held
has inspired awe
awakened the smouldering embers that
just under the surface of my breast,
flaring with the fervor of long ago
glaciers melt and flow into brisk rivers
that steam joyously to the roaring sea
natural and achingly right, this breathtaking reunion
I am myself
© 2006, Antonia Balvanz