a thin sliver of silver light, a sliph
small and insignificant
was delivered unto the world
mercy was given to the sliph by the great Light
a prismatic flow through the dull silver,
dancing and opaquely translucent
she grew slowly, unsteadily at times
nurtured into strength
fed by her sisters in the light
in the light of moon and sun
one sunbeam, golden and radiant
blessed all near her with her presence
sending light into all but the deepest shadows
the silver light watched the golden glinting fire
and felt joy whenever she was touched
by the flames
the silver light strove to attain the perfect radiance
of the fire
in the undercurrents of her light-streams,
there lingered a longing
a fire within light
and a fire within fire
The silver sliph
living with a courage granted her by her Saviour
the one true Light
She grew in this beauty and grace
adored and honored by those who knew her
her brilliance, unapparent to her, surpassed even the golden fire
As she moved toward maturity
the sliph came to know of a shadow
dark and powerful
compliment of the silver light
following the path of those before her
the silver light bound herself to this shadow
light and dark entwining
equal parts brilliance and shade
one sinuous thread
still lingered the stream of quivering fire
© 2004, Antonia Balvanz