I throw my heart at the wall, like a tennis ball, from which it bounces back, repeatedly, like rubber. I throw it, futile, wanting to throw it to another heart so that they can be together. But in the absence of a match, I throw it at the wall in desperation, for at least some kind of motion, because it can't stand to stand still. It has been so bludgeoned, by women, that the romance has been beaten out of it at its outer edges. But in the core, it is still soft and full of romance, and it still wants to be with a woman where it can say to her heart "I'll never tell you Goodbye." |
Copyright © 2024 Ashi Shadow 2/9/24
Written while listening to Snap Your Fingers by Mike Harris. "where it can say to her heart" is just supposed to be "where it can say", but the "to her heart" makes it a little more clear when reading out loud.