The boy tugged at the string on his finger,
but the kite wouldn't listen (come back)

<-- but his companion instead of kite?

It just continued to fly in the sky
and played with the birds
and stared at and yearned to reach the clouds

up and up it climbed,
never heeding the calls of its good friend.

It was getting late,
Evening was coming.
It was time to go home.

The boy tugged at the string again,
in vain hope that the kite would beckon. [beckon is wrong)

He sat on the rocks in despair.

[Below needs to be rewritten]

How long could he wait?

In great lament, he cut the string that bound them.

The kite was free.

All he had left was the scar on his finger
from a day that the kite had pulled too hard,
and the knot on his finger from the string
which used to bind them.

One day the kite would fall upon a tree somewhere,
and the boy would no longer be there to save it.

Copyright ©2009 Ashi Shadow -10/09

[tangled in the branches? or get stuck in a tree somewhere? fall and be stuck? <-- probably going to go with the last one] Scar = scar from cutting my finger the day I was making dinner for Katie's birthday.

Knot = blue ring for Katie. Poem is actually on Laura, how Laura never calls or returns my calls now (or doesn't make time for me) So have to cut the string.

But the yearning for the clouds and all that is actually on Katie (her new friends in college etc) though desire to keep flying free is still also Laura. Let her do with her time what she will.