When I was younger,
we used to visit my grandmother every other summer.
Playing on the floor of her apartment making cardhouses
and spending time with my grandfather.
When I got older,
I played cards with her, talked with her,
and went shopping with her.
Now, I call her about once a month
and mostly talk to her about my love life.
No one else has been visiting her more than me,
and I've been visting her four days every 2 years,
which is half of my vacation.
Lately, she's been having trouble
understanding and saying the American names of the women,
and I get annoyed because these women are important to me.
But I don't know
if her accent is getting stronger
without anybody visiting her,
or if I am getting less used
to her accent.

Copyright ©2013 Ashi Shadow - 11/21/13 on Dadi.