After a lifetime Away,

Biking through the rain,
not even three hours from my childhood memories,
I turn to see my wake,
in a puddle, spread across the path.

The ripples are humongous.
Like tsunamis running across the ocean.
Did I see rain like this when I was a child?
I let the bike keep going, and turn to look from 15 feet ahead.
The ripples are already dying down.
I wonder, why my unhappy memories can't die down like that, too.
But then, I think; if my unhappiest memories were to drift away,
would my happiest memories have to drift away too?

I wonder whatever happened to the things that I remember.
Like the squirrels that I chased when I was a child.
They must have died away, long ago, only to have been replaced by new squirrels.
- My old piles of leaves must have been blown away by now- by the wind.
And the bullies that I stood up to must be long gone, raising families of their own.

I remember the fights that I didn't win. and I remember my shorts pulled down, in front of everyone.
I also remember the fights that I did win. And a blue ribbon from an art contest, in 1st grade.
I'd drew a killer whale.
Did any of it really matter? Who knows. It doesn't seem to have
changed anything now. Though I still remember it.

I remember lying in the grass, and watching the clouds- with you.
The way your hair drifted slightly
when the wind blew, and the way your cheeks went up- when you smiled.
And I remember when you smiled bashfully, as I held my hands upon your waist,
and pulled you close, - only to kiss your hair...

... and the feeling of your palm, upon my chest,
and of your cheek, against my heart.

But I turn to smile at you,
and there aren't even the ripples anymore, upon the puddle.

No, don't go. Don't leave me.

Don't take my ripples away.
Copyright ©2004 Ashi Shadow 4/20/04
Note: The last two lines are referring to the ripples. "No, don't go. Don't leave me." is referring to the ripples. And the "Don't take my ripples away." Are (of course) referring to my memories. (The "you" is Katie of course).