Ambition is a cloud
with manacles for hands
that it closes around your legs
with the strength of a bear trap.

"You will not go anywhere without me.
You will stay late at work --
not for your boss,
but to finish everything that your boss wants done
and then to finish everything that I want done.

Everybody told you that it was good
that you are so ambitious,
but I will show you better.
You will lose your loved ones
by working so hard, and being stressed.

And even though you are the kind of person
who could break a steel wall
with a broom,-
you will not even try to escape me.

When you have lost your loved ones,
and regret it,
and cry about that loss at night,
- you will still say that it was worth it
and nobody else will understand.
Even though you are filled with regret,
you will know that this is how you wanted to live your life.

Copyright ©2017 Ashi Shadow - 2/29/17.
Essentially autobiographical.
Lost Averi, worse relationships (and weaker) with everyone else.
Considered making the last line something like "this is how you had to" or "chose to" live your life.