Oh soft-spoken whisperings of "I love you"
lost in the wind,
I know that my loving you
can't be a good thing.
It can't be right
and it must be wrong
on acause your soul's too perfect
and my curse too strong.
And yet I feel it-
and you feel it too,
So maybe we can do it-
just me and you.
Maybe we can fall in love,
and maybe we can make things work,
for the nonce of a lifetime,
for the nonce of a something more,
for the nonce of an eternity,
for the nonce in the skies we soar.
We can fly to the heavens
and alight in the air
fueled by love's leavens
we can stay there fore'er.
Just maybe, just maybe...
Don't they say that love can overcome anything?
Well maybe, just maybe,
they may be right.
So come
and let's fly,
you know that we'll never know
if we never try.

Copyright ©2001 Ashi Shadow
11/23/02 Completely in love with Katie.