I would like to tell you a secret.
You are not the most beautiful girl I have met.
You are not the most smart girl I have met.
But, I feel like you are the most beautiful girl I have met.
And, I feel like you are the most smart girl I have met.
And sometimes,
I think about you in the middle of the day
and I imagine the different features of your face,
when you are smiling at me,
and at those moments I know that you are the most beautiful woman in the world.
And when I am standing next to you
at an art gallery,
and you and I like the same painting,
and I tell you what I like about it
and you understand even though the words can't explain it
- and your eyes and smile have that star's sparkle in them,
which I feel is brought out just for me -
I know that we are right for each other.
So even though it's a secret
that it is not true that you're
the most beautiful woman I've met,
when I tell you that you're the most beautiful woman in the world,
I'm not lying.

Copyright ©2017 Ashi Shadow - 3/25/17 on Addie.
Not perfect for how I wanted to write it, but close enough.
the first line gave me a bit of trouble because I also considered "I have a secret to tell you." and "I have a secret.", and I am not sure if I picked the right thing or should have picked something else.
I added "when you are smiling at me," afterwards to better express what I meant.
I considered "laughing" instead of "smiling at me".
Also considered "explain it, / your eyes..." , but I like having the dashes to set aside that line in the poem for the imagery.
I also considered "star in them" or "star-sparkle", and some other alternatives.
Added "and at those moments " at the end, not sure if I should keep that there or not.
The poem does have the word "and" too much, but I felt it was beneficial for the tone.