They say that a picture is worth a thousand words,
and that the pen is mightier than the sword,
but I have seen what their guns can do,
and have seen the pacificists sent to their grave.
I have seen their heroes die,
and I have seen their villains rise,
I have drawn blood by mine own hand,
and I've seen my friends die before my eyes,
And what I've come to believe, at the end of the day,
is that it's true
that the humans are full of lies,
but that despite their treachery, it still remains,
that a thousand words are worth their smiles.
Copyright ©2005 Ashi Shadow 03/31/05 The idea was supposed to be that a thousand words (or words in general) are actually quite meaningless and worthless, but that in actuality despite that fault, they're worth more than anything else because they can make a smile (Katie's smile in particular, she inspired this- in her, I see hope, for humanity).
But that endeavor of trying to make people smile didn't really come out as a theme like I'd hoped. Still, I like it, and I like that it shows that humans are full of... imperfection I guess, but I like it because I think it comes across as showing how they're just misguided and how they're really something of which we can be full of hope.