And will you leave me thus?
To wither away of despair?
For shame! To expose me to your Love,
and to the Fairness of your radiance,
only to let me wither.

Cast me your gentle glances.
Reel me with your grace.
Entrap me in your silk web,
And I will not seek the exit.

Only leave me not in purgatory;
this state of longing without satisfaction,
of suffering without cause,
and of dreaming without hope.

Maroon me not outside your presence,
this cloud outside your aura,
what a white world this is,
with no shades of grey for the taste bud.

Give me some peppered seared chicken for my tongue,
blow some kisses my way,
ah that is all, that is all,
that is divine

Copyright ©2009 Ashi Shadow -10/17/09
on Early stages of being smitten (on fictitious woman) after reading first stanza of "The Lover's Appeal" by Sir Thomas Wyatt.
Had also read "To Celia" just before that, thus resulting in the last line of the 2nd paragraph (I love the analogous line in To Celia, and this may be the best line in this poem as well).
Intended to be 'like' the styles of rennaissance, but not truly like that, and turned out not very well written either.
I suppose I wasn't inspired enough or didn't work hard enough.