Somewhere in the back of my head
something tells me that you're a part of me
and that there's a piece of wood
with your name on it nailed to my heart,
and that if I touch it it will bleed, but that
if I let it heal, that once the scab goes away
I will have the best scar that I have ever had.

Copyright ©2006 Ashi Shadow 11/18/06 on Katie

Will the stars burst above my eyes tonight?
Or will they wait until you can see them?
Will they spin around inside my head
making me dizzy while images of you flash on by
and somewhere in the back of my head
something tells me that you're a part of me
and that there's a piece of wood
with your name on it nailed to my heart,
and that if I touch it it will bleed, but that
if I let it heal, that once the scab goes away
I will have the best scar that I have ever had.