Biking home at 4 AM, the sun was already rising as I crossed the lakeshore by the park. And that's when I saw, in the fountain by the lake the Same Two Ducks, who'd been waiting to swim all winter. And It made me so happy to see them that I started humming, and put my foot down to the pedal until the wind whizzed by and my shirt-sleeves flapped while the scenery flipped by like the pages from a storybook. And as I passed by a seagull that was flying up above, I knew that I was gaining up on 30 miles an hour, And I thought to myself; "Well if that bird up there is flying, and I'm passing that bird... Well then baby," I thought to myself, "Why, I'm flying too." And I knew exactly where I was flying: I was flying back to home, I was flying back to you. |