A moment passes and the sun sinks eight hours.
I want to bolt but I still stand.
Shadows hide in the corners of your mouth.
But come unchained as your words escape.
The very breath that binds me
is the very breath that holds me down.
The very breath that breathes me life
is the very breath that breathes me death.
The clouds set and the moon rises
and I die.

For you could hold my heart and chain my heart
and never let me go,
but you couldn't tame it,
and you didn't try, so now I'm gone.

I loved you.
Copyright ©2003 Ashi Shadow 4/11/03 On Katie
She...I had hurt her. This was after the war conversation and also after the "I love you" and she cancelled Saturday's plans to go to a book sale together because... she said she didn't know what she wanted and some other things.... she later said that she decided that things didn't matter as long as we remained just friends. And she said to forget the night ever happened.... which I probably will.