I saw her
standing in her kitchen,
  looking beautiful,
  in her white shirt.

She was precious.
Perhaps more precious
than any other woman
I have ever known.
Easily lovable by a man
as his wife.

But I knew
that she was not
right for me.
That I was supposed to marry
another type of woman.
I also knew
that I would miss
seeing her standing there,
  in her kitchen,
if I never got to see her, like that,

Copyright ©2022 Ashi Shadow -8/14/22 on Kaustavi.
Looking at her standing at her sink from the dining area side, since her kietchen has an opening where a person in the kitchen who is facing the sink is facing the dining area.
She had a white shirt with small cherries on it.
The white shirt line was originally above the "Easily lovable" line, but looked out of place so was moved up.
I'm not sure the line breaks between stanzas should be in the poem.