Perhaps in time,
Looney Tunes will go the way
of Christopher Marlowe.

"Is this the face that launched the sails of a thousand ships?"
A phrase remembered, the face forgotten.

Bugs Bunny will fade, while Mickey Mouse is remembered.
Like Marlowe and his contemporary foil, Shakespeare.

"What's up, Doc?"
Those classic words which echoed so loud,
to turn empty.

Faust, Bugs Bunny:
Can two protagonists so imbued with Hubris
truly succumb to the skeletal hands of time?

Copyright ©2009 Ashi Shadow -08/15/09
"Faust, Bugs Bunny:" is speaking to them.
‘Was This the Face That Launch’d a Thousand Ships?’ is the actual quote.
It's "Doctor Faustus" in the Marlowe version, but I didn't want to change the poem after writing it.
Doctor Faustus is one of my favorite plays.
I believe the version I read is "Version A", which was originally printed in 1604.